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STOCKS A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| OTHERS
Company Name
C & C Construct C Mahendra Expo C&KFS
C. E. Info Syst Cable Corp Cabot India
CAC Cadbury Cadsys India
Cairn India Calcom Vision Caldyn Aircon
California Soft Cals Refineries Cambridge Tech
Camex Camlin Fine Campus Active
CAMS Camson Bio Tech Camson Seeds
Can Fin Homes Cana Glass Canara Bank
Canara Robeco Canara Steel Canbay Polyfilm
Canbonus Candour Techtex Canexpo
Canopy Canopy Sec Canpep 93un
Canpep 94 Canpep 95 Canstar (80L)
Canstar Cap Cantabil Retail Cantriple MF
Cantriple Plus Canvay Chemical Capacite Infra
Capco Ind Capfin India Capital First
Capital India Capital Trade Capital Trust
Caplin Labs Capman Financia Capri Global
Capricorn Caprihans CaprolactumChem
Capsein Bio-Lab Captain Pipes Captain Poly
Captain Technoc Carbon and Che Carbon Everflow
Carborundum CARE Ratings Career Point
Carewell Hygien Cargosol Log Cargotrans Mari
Carnation Ind Carol Info Carona
Carrier Aircon CarTrade Tech Carysil
Casil Health casncasjcbs Caspian
Castex Tech Castrol Castron Technol
Cat Technologie Catvision Cauvery Soft
Cavalet India CBPL CCCL
CCL Internation CCL Products CCS Infotech
CDG PETCHEM CDR Health Care CDR Medical Ind
CDSL Ceat Cebon India
Ceejay Finance Ceenik Exports Ceeta Industrie
Ceinsys Tech Celebrity Fash Celeste
Celestial Bio Cell Point Cella Space Ltd
Cellulose Prods Cenlub Centennial Sutu
Centerac Tech Central Bank Central Prov Rl
Central Roadlin Centron Ind Centrum Capital
Centum Electron Centurion Bank Century
Century Enka Century Extr Century Laminat
Century Protein Century Sheet Century Tubes
CenturyPlyboard Cepham Milk Cepham Organics
Cepham Pharma Cera Sanitary Cerebra Int
CES Limited CESC Cethar Ind
CF Technologies CFF CFL Capital
CG Consumer CG Impex CG Power
Chadha Paper Chain Impex Ltd Chakan Vegoils
Chakkilam Info Chalet Hotels Chamak Holdings
Chaman Lal Seti Chaman Metallic Chambal Brewery
Chambal Fert Champagne India Champdany Ind
Champion Finsec Chand Vanaspati Chandra Bhagat
Chandra Prabhu Chandra Synth Chandrima Merca
Chankya Investm Channel Nine Charminar Brew
Charminar Gran Charminar Steel Charms Ind
Chartered Cap Chartered Logis Chase Bright
CHD Chemicals CHD Developers Checkpoint
Chembond Chem Chemcel Biotech Chemcon Special
Chemcrux Enterp Chemfab Alkalis Chemiequip
Chemiesynth Chemiesynth (Va Cheminor Drugs
Chemo-Pharma Chemox Chemical Chemox Labs
Chemox Sec CHEMPLAST SANMA Chemplast(OLD)
Chemtech Ind Chennai Ferrous Chennai Meenaks
Chennai Petro Cheran Construc Cherry Fashions
Cheslind Textil Chetak Spintex Chetinad Cem
Cheviot Company Chhabra Spinner Chhatar Extract
Chhattar Ind CHI Investments Chicago Pneum
Chicago Soft Chinar Exports Chiplun Fine
Chirau Finance Chisel & Hammer Chitradurga
CHL Choice Internat CHOICEIN-RE
Chokhani Global Chokhani Intl Choksi Imaging
Choksi Labs Choksi Tube Chola Fin Hold
Chola Invest. Chordia Food CHOTHANI FOODS
Chowgule Steam CHPL Industries Chromatic India
CIAN Agro Indus Cian Healthcare Ciba India
CIEINDIA CIFCO Finance Cigniti Tech
CIL Nova Petro CIL Securities Cilson Organics
Cimmco Cindrella Fin Cindrella Hotel
Cineline India Cinemax India Cinerad Comm
Cinevista CIPL Cipla
Circuit Systems Cistro Telelink Citadel Realty
Citi Port Fin Citizen Info Citizen Yarns
Citurgia Bioche City Lifts Indi City Online
City Pulse Mult City Union Bank Cityman
CJ Gelatine CKP CKP Products
CL Educate Clara Clariant India
Claris Life Clarisis Organi Clarity FinServ
Claro India Classic Bio Classic Diamond
Classic Elec Classic Filamen Classic Global
Classic GlobeSe Classic Leasing Classic Mushroo
Classic Press CLC Global Clean Science
Clio Infotech Clutch Auto CM
CMC CMI CMM Infraprojec
CMS Computers CMS Info System CMS Infotech
CNI Research cnjkdnn Coal India
COAST-RE Coastal Corp Coastal Corp
Coastal Papers Coastal Roadway COASTPP
COASTPP1 Cochin Balmer Cochin Malabar
Cochin Minerals Cochin Shipyard Coduras Exports
Coffee Day COFORGE LTD. Coimbatore Laks
Coimbatore Pop Colab Cloud Colgate
Colinz Labs Colorchips New Comet Glass Ltd
Comfort Comfort Comm Comfort Fincap
COMMAND Commercial Syn Commex Tech
COMP-RE Compact Disc Competent Auto
Compuage Info Compucom Soft Compudyne
Compulink Computech Inter Computer Point
Computer Power Computerskill Comrade
Conart Engineer Concert Capital Concert Spices
Concord Control Concord Drugs Concrete Credit
Concurrent Condequip Confidence Fin
Confidence Futu ConfidencePetro Confro Agro
Consecutive Inv Consol Containe Consol Fibres
Consol Finvest Consol Found Consortex Karl
Consortium Fin Constronics Inf CONSUMBEES
Containe Tech Container Corp Containerway
Contech Soft Contil India Continent Chem
Continent Const Continent Petro Continental Sec
Continental See Continental Val ContinentContro
Control Print Conway Printers Cool Caps
Coral Hub Coral India Fin Coral Labs
Coral Newsprint Cords Cable Ind CORE Education
Core Healthcare Core Organics Coromandal Biot
Coromandel Agro Coromandel Engg Coromandel Gran
Coromandel Int Coromandel Phar Corp Courier
Corporate Merch Corporation Bk Cosboard Ind
Cosco India Cosmic CRF Cosmo Ferrites
Cosmo First Cosmos Apparels Cosmos Leather
Cospower Cosy Mercantile COSYN
Country Club Country Condos Coventry Coil
Coventry Spring Cox & Kings CPEC
CPSE ETF Craftsman Crane Infra
Cranes Software Cranex Cravatex
Crayons Crazy Infotech CRB Capital Mar
CRB Caps CRB Corp CRB Corporation
CRB Share Custo Creative Cast. Creative Eye
Creative Merch Creative New Credence Sound
CREDENT GLOBAL Credential Fina CreditAccess Gr
Crescent Color Crescent Leasin CRESSAN-RE
Cressanda Sol Crest Animation Crest Paper
Crest Ventures Crestchem Crester Sec
Crestworld Mari Crew B.O.S. Crimson Metal
CRISIL Croissance Cromakem Ltd
Croslands Labs Cross Country Crown Lifters
Crown Televisio CRP Risk Manage Cryptogen Agro
Crystal Agritec Crystal Cable Crystal Credits
Crystal Softwar CSB Bank CSJ Tech
CSL Fin CT Cotton Yarn CTIL
CTR Mfg Ind CUBEINVIT Cubex Tubings
Cubical Fin Ser Cuddapah Spin Cummins
Cupid Cupid Trades Cura Tech
Cure Spects Curefast Remedi Cutfast Abrasiv
CV Steels Cvil Infra CWD
Cyanamid Agr Cybele Ind Cyber Media
Cyber Media Res Cyberscape Mult Cyberspace
Cyberspace Info Cybertech Cyberwave Inter
Cyient Cyient DLM



(June 17, 2016)

AT (Rs)






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